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Thank you for participating in our company, which is engaged in receiving of profits in the Crypto currency market. Our company understands the importance of personal information of every participant. Cooperating with our company, you can be sure in privacy of your personal information and in its protection by our employees. Our employees protect the collected by them information from unauthorized access. We use a variety of technologies to reduce the risk of theft of accounts and receiving personal information of our investors.

Personal information" includes such items as

1. Name and Last Name of the investor 
2. Locations 
3. Personal account of electronic currency 
4. Login and password
Our company collects your personal information only with your consent and confidence in the security of your personal information on our project. Users should note, that the collection of personal information is only from adult. The rules of our company explain, how your information is collected and used. These rules apply only in our website. Information which is collected when you visit this site.

Use of Cookies

So-called "cookies" are used at the DoloTrade1 website to help you in personalizing your online presence. A cookie means a text file which a web-page server places on your hard disk. Cookies pose no threat to your computer: no memory leak, virus infection or other undesirable results can be expected. Only web-server in the domain, which issued it to you, can read it, because cookies are uniquely assigned.
One of the main purposes of cookies is saving your time, which is very convenient for you. Cookie is intended to signal the web-server that the user has returned to a particular page. For instance if you registered and personalized on the DoloTrade1 website to use its services, the cookie is necessary for the website to recall some particular information at your following visit. The process of your personal data recording becomes simpler and easier. Such data may include billing addresses, shipping addresses, etc. When you come back to the DoloTrade1 website again, the data you conveyed before can be restored. In this case you get quick access to the necessary DoloTrade1 website features.
You can accept and decline cookies as you like. Most web browsers allow cookies by default, but usually you have an ability to set your browser to reject cookies if you want to. But if you make up your mind to reject cookies, you may fail to use all the interactive features of our website to the full as well as the features of other websites.

Visiting our website, such information is automatically collected

1. Your Internet Provider
2. Your location and country of residence
3. Your browser and type of operating system
This types of information are also the part of the personal information.

Information Storage

Saving of information is only in our company or its equipment. Personal information is stored in accordance with the rules of storage and disposal, which are set for archive of our company. To receive your personal information, contact direct with our employees.

Contact Information

DoloTrade1 is glad to receive your comments concerning this "Privacy Policy". In case you think that DoloTrade1 does not follow the rules and violate this Statement, contact DoloTrade1 at info@DoloTrade1.com. We guarantee that we will take commercially reasonable efforts to discover and solve the problem.